Thursday, March 25, 2010

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I will prepare an audio slideshow of approximately 3-4 minutes in length illustrating one Washington, D.C., neighborhood’s efforts to achieve a “greener,” more sustainable community. In particular, I will feature Cleveland Park (Ward 3F) residents who are participating in the city’s first Neighborhood Sustainability Indicators Pilot Project (NSIPP) with the city’s planning office. Residents serving voluntarily on the NSIPP’s Technical Advisory Committee are brainstorming ways in which the community can become more green – through group purchasing and installation of solar panels, advocacy for more bike lanes, or more comprehensive recycling programs in the community, for example. Several of these Technical Advisory Committee members are already renovating their homes to make them greener. I will provide background information about the project and will interview a few of these residents about their greening efforts for the audio component of the audio slideshow, and will present a series of photographs illustrating their greening efforts to accompany the audio component.

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