Friday, March 26, 2010

Project Porposal - Yergin

For my project, I plan to cover the first ever Amnesty International Human Rights Arts Festival being held in downtown Silver Spring from April 23-25. I would like to present this as a video. There are many local businesses and artists participating in the event, so the video will include interviews with at least one artist, one business owner, and one guest at the event. I'm not sure about running time, but I assume it will be between 3-5 minutes. I think this will make an interesting story because it will be both visual from all of the art in the area and because the people will be interesting. There are to be visual art shows, spoken word performances, new media events, performance events, and more. The people who are going to be at this event will most likely feel passionate about what they are supporting. Every event there is meant to be related in some way to human rights. Proposed headline: Human rights and the Arts come together in first ever Amnesty International Human Rights Arts Festival.

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