Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ilana Yergin - "A Quarter for a Quarter of Chile"

Rodrigo Herrera, a University of Maryland College Park Student originally from Chile, stands outside the student union on Monday, March 8, 2010 at a fundraiser for a UMD Chilean Earthquake Relief Group. The group was founded just days after the earthquake by Chilean students on the campus. (UMD Photo/Ilana Yergin)

At a fundraiser for Chilean Earthquake Relief on the University of Maryland College Park campus on March 8, 2010, students set up a table outside of the student union. The table is decorated with the flag of Chile and a poster board with pictures of the devastation that has coins students have donated stuck to it. (UMD Photo/Ilana Yergin)

Money was collected on the University of Maryland College Park campus on March 8, 2010 to be donated to Chile. Students running the event were surprised when students donated more than just pocket change, sometimes giving as much as $20. (UMD Photo/Ilana Yergin)

A student on the University of Maryland College Park campus quickly donates money to a Chilean Earthquake Relief Group outside of the student union on Monday, March 8, 2010. After a lunch time rush, students donating money were few and far between. (UMD Photo/Ilana Yergin)

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